Club name(Required)Address(Required) Street Address Town Postcode Name of person submitting application(Required) First Last Official capacity at the Club(Required)Email for Correspondence(Required) Year Club Founded(Required)Is the Club affiliated to British Rowing?(Required)YesNoIf not affiliated to British Rowing, please state any affiliationDoes the Club have Safeguarding Procedures in place to comply with current legislation?(Required)YesNoIs Membership open to all?(Required)YesNoIf Membership is not open to all, please detail arrangementsNumber of Senior Open MembersNumber of Senior Women MembersNumber of Junior Open MembersNumber of Junior Women MembersNumber of Adaptive/Special Needs MembersGrant Amount Requested (£)(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to 4000.Grant Purpose - please give details of the project and likely costings(Required)Has the Club sufficent funds in place to match their 50% of the expenditure?(Required)YesNoIf not, please indicate how you plan to raise the fundsHow did you hear about The Rowing Foundation?Any Other CommentsIf you already have a quote/invoice for the equipment, please attach a PDF (you may provide this at a later date)Max. file size: 2 MB.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.